The GHG generated from KGI Financial operations mainly come from externally purchase electricity, operation of building facilities, and the gasoline and natural gas consumed by company cars and staff cafeteria.
In 2023, the scope of inventory and verification has covered all domestic locations, KGI Life Insurance's Beijing representative office and KGI Securities' Hong Kong and Singapore branches, with an overall inventory and verification coverage rate of 100% domestically and 77.19% overseas, as well as the identification of other indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3). In line with the Company's submitted SBTi target to reduce 42% of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030, the total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions in 2023 would be 21,867.92 tCO₂e, using 2022 as the base year.
Reduce annual GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 10% compared with 2022 (excluding new inventory scopes).
・Promoted energy saving and carbon reduction programs and evaluated the purchase of renewable energy.
・Continued and expanded the scope of ISO 14064- 1 GHG inventory and verification.
・Promoted ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 annual verification.
2023 Annual GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) were 18,218.02 tCO₂e (excluding new inventory scopes), a 15% reduction compared with 2022
2020 | 2021 | 2022 (Base year) |
2023 | 2023 Target |
Scope 1 |
1,164.25 |
1,758.97 | 1,124.07 | 1,452.67 |
1,385.45 |
Scope 2 |
20,856.84 |
20,270.39 |
20,374.43 | 20,415.24 | 21,966.82 |
Scope 2 |
20,856.84 |
20,270.39 |
20,374.43 |
20,894.19 |
23,596.77 |
Total Emission (Market-based) |
22,021.09 |
22,029.36 |
21,498.50 |
21,867.92 |
23,352.27 |
Inventory and verification Coverage |
75.50% |
99.27% |
96.14% |
98.99% |
1. We use ISO 14064-1:2018, GHG Protocol, and GHG Inventory Registration Operation Guidelines as the GHG inventory method. GWP value is taken from the 2021 IPCC AR6 report; the emission factors are cited from the Greenhouse Gas Emission Coefficient Management Table version 6.0.4 published by MOENV. The data were verified by fair third parties, BSI and SGS.
2. GHG types include: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, and NF3.
3. The emission factors for electricity are 0.509 (2020), 0.502 (2021), 0.509 (2022) and 0.495 (2023) kgCO₂e/kWh.
4. Per capita emission = total emission / number of employee (including dual contract) in the inventory scope (for details, please refer to Chapter 4 of ESG report for the number of employees in KGI Financial).
5. The 2023 inventory includes all domestic offices, KGI Life Insurance Beijing Representative Office and KGI Securities Hong Kong and Singapore branches; all KGI Life Insurance communication offices and KGI Securities Hong Kong and Singapore branches have been added compared to 2022.
6. Coverage rate of inventory and verification = Number of employees (including dual contracts) under the scope of inventory and verification / Total number of employees (including dual contracts) of the Company; the coverage rate in 2020, 2021 and 2022 is based on the statistics of all domestic locations only (excluding KGI Life Insurance's communication offices), and the scope of the domestic coverage rate in 2023 includes KGI Life Insurance's communication offices in the statistics. At the same time, we have added overseas inventory and verified locations, and the expansion of inventory scope has led to a relative decrease in the coverage rate of inventory and verification. After adjustment, the domestic coverage rate in 2023 was 100%, the overseas coverage rate was 77.19%, and the total coverage rate of verification scope will be 98.99%.
7. The Company's coverage rate for 2020 is 97.80% for inventory and 75.50% for verification, and from 2021 onwards, the scope of coverage for discovery and verification are the same.
8. Taking into account the change in statistical scope and the Scope 1+2 SBT target submitted by the Company, "Target 10% reduction from 2022", 2023 target = total emissions in 2022 x 90% (expected 10% reduction) + actual emissions in 2023 for the new scope of the inventory (all KGI Life Insurance's communication offices and KGI Securities' branches in Hong Kong and Singapore). The 2023 target for Scope 2 (location-based) is a 2% reduction from 2022.
9. The operational control method is used as the method for consolidating the amount of greenhouse gases.
We actively developed feasible solutions to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction responded to green energy policies, reduced impact on the environment, and pursued sustainable and balanced development with the environment.
KGI Financial has designed the KGI Financial headquarters based on sustainable development since 2017. The headquarters were designed with seven evaluation indicators including planning amount of greening, base site water conservation, daily energy conservation, carbon dioxide reduction, waste reduction, water resource, and sewage/waste improvement, in addition to acquiring the golden candidate for green building certificate and the “Golden Green Building Mark” issued by the Ministry of the Interior in 2021.
Reduce electricity consumption by 2% compared to 2022
・ Replace air-conditioning equipment and lighting fixtures with more environmental-protective, energy conservation and highly efficient ones.
・ Adjusted the power-consuming equipment‘s turning of/off time for the elevator, lighting fixture and water dispenser of headquarter building
・ The total electricity saving of the energy saving program is about 232.7 MWh, which is equivalent to a reduction of 115.2 tCO₂e.
・ Overall annual electricity consumption of KGI Financial (excluding new inventory areas) was 38,830.6 MWh, a reduction of 4.3% from 2022.
Increase renewable energy usage
・ Self-installed solar panel power generation
・ Renewable electricity procurement
・ Installed solar panels in the KGI Financial HQ and the Beimen Branch of KGIB, with 82.2 MWh of renewable energy generated in 2023, equivalent to a reduction of 40.7 tCO₂e.
・ KGI Financial purchased and used 4,966.8 MWh renewable energy in 2023, equivalent to the reduction of 2,458.6 tCO₂e
Pass ISO 50001 verification
・ Three new branches of KGI Bank, Kaohsiung, Chihkan and Dongmen, were verified for ISO 50001 energy management system.
・ KGI Financial Headquarter Building and KGIS Dazhi Building passed ISO 50001 energy management system verification.
YEAR | 2020 | 2021 |
2022 (BASE YEAR) |
2023 | 2023 TARGET |
Purchased non-renewable energy / Electricity(MWh) |
41,084.6 | 40,397.3 | 40,028.2 | 40,794.9 | 46,241.0 |
Self-Generated Renewable Energy / Electricity(MWh) |
34.0 | 90.5 | 82.2 | 82.2 | 82.2 |
Purchased Renewable Energy / Electricity(MWh) |
- | - | 444.1 | 4,966.8 | 4,966.8 |
Total Electricity (MWh) |
41,118.6 | 40,469.7 | 45,554.6 | 45,843.9 | 51,290.0 |
Coverage |
75.50% | 99.27% | 96.14% | 98.99% |
1. MWh = 3.6 GJ; 1 GJ, 1GJ= 277.78 kWh; 1 kcal = 0.000004 GJ
2. Conversed calorific value according to the "Emission Factor Table Version 6.0.4" announced by MOENV, with natural gas of 9,000 kcal/m3, gasoline of 7,800 kcal/L, and diesel of 8,400 kcal/L.
3. Per capita energy consumption = total energy consumption / number of employee (including dual contract) in the inventory scope (for details, please refer to Chapter 4 of ESG report for the number of employees in KGI Financial).
4. The 2023 inventory includes all domestic offices, KGI Life Insurance Beijing Representative Office and KGI Securities Hong Kong and Singapore branches; all KGI Life Insurance communication offices and KGI Securities Hong Kong and Singapore branches have been added compared to 2022.
5. Coverage rate of inventory = Number of employees (including dual contracts) under the scope of inventory / Total number of employees (including dual contracts) of the Company; the coverage rate in 2020, 2021 and 2022 is based on the statistics of all domestic locations only (excluding KGI Life Insurance's communication offices), and the scope of the domestic coverage rate in 2023 includes KGI Life Insurance's communication offices in the statistics. At the same time, we have added overseas inventory and verified locations, and the expansion of inventory scope has led to a relative decrease in the coverage rate of inventory and verification. After adjustment, the domestic coverage rate in 2023 was 100%, the overseas coverage rate was 77.19%, and the total coverage rate of verification scope will be 98.99%.
6. Consideration of change in statistical scope, "2% goal reduction in purchased electricity target compared to 2022", estimated that the target value be achieved in 2023 = total consumption in 2022 x 98% (projected reduction of 2%) + actual consumption in 2023 for the additional scope of the inventory (all KGI Life Insurance's Communication Offices and KGI Securities' Hong Kong and Singapore Branches).
KGI Financial used water for domestic use and air conditioning, and the water source was all from the local tap water plant, not from groundwater or rivers. The wastewater from the kitchen and pantry of the buildings was purified and discharged into the underground sewer buried by the government. The kitchen was equipped with oil-water separation facilities to reduce water pollution, and there was no leakage in 2023. Toilet urinals in the main office buildings adopted sensor-type water dispensers to effectively utilize water resources, and water-saving devices were also installed in the toilets and pantries to effectively regulate water resources. The equipment with the water-saving label was preferred for replacement. Rainwater recycling equipment was installed in KGI Financial HQ in 2021 for lawn watering, with a design of rainfall storage and collection tank of 693.5 m3, which is provided as toilettes and urinal flushing in the public bathroom on the 1st and 2nd floor of the building. The water is also used for irrigation on green plants, to effectively utilize water resources.
Water consumption reduced by 2% compared to 2022
・ Adopted inductive device
・ Adopted equipment with water saving label
・ Rainwater recycling system in KGI Financial headquarters building
・ Strengthened propaganda to colleagues to cherish water resources
Water consumption in 2023 is 223.9 million liters, an increase of 4.3% compared to the 2022 total of 214.6 million liters due to an increase in overall office water consumption, the main reason is the cancellation of work from home policy due to the easing of the pandemic.
YEAR | 2020 | 2021 |
2022 (BASE YEAR) |
2023 | 2023 TARGET |
Total water withdrawal(Million liter) | 232.2 | 213.7 | 214.6 | 223.9 | 210.3 |
Total water withdrawal per capita(m3 per capita) | 28.3 | 23.5 | 24.7 | 25.3 | 24.2 |
Coverage | 97.80% | 99.27% | 99.99% | 93.81% | - |
1. KGI Financial mainly uses water for domestic use, and the volume of freshwater withdrawal is equal to the volume of water discharged, so the net consumption of freshwater is 0.
2. Water withdrawal comes directly from the Taiwan Water Corporation. According to WRI report, Taiwan is not a water-stressed area, and the total dissolved solids (TDS) are all ≤ 1,000 mg.
3. KGI Financial does not have statistics on recycled water. Although the HQ is equipped with a rainwater recycling system, it is not yet possible to measure the recycling amount.
4. Total water withdrawal per capita = Total water withdrawal / Number of employee (excluding dual contract) in the inventory scope (for details of the number of KGI Financial employee, please refer to Chapter 4 of ESG report).
5. The scope of the 2023 inventory includes all domestic locations (excluding all KGI Life Insurance communication offices).
6. Coverage rate of inventory = Number of employees (excluding dual contracts) in the scope of inventory / Total number of employees (excluding dual contracts) of the Company.
7. 2020, 2021 and 2022 coverage rates are only based on all domestic locations (excluding KGI Life Insurance Communication Office), and 2023 coverage rates are based on global locations (excluding KGI Life Insurance Communication Office).
8. " Target reduction ratio by 2% compared to 2022 ", 2023 target = total water withdrawal in 2022 x 98% (projected reduction of 2%).
Most of the waste generated by KGI Financial's operations is generated by the internal and external office operations of KGI Financial and consists of general household waste, which does not require special treatment not cause peripheral environmental contamination and odor if accumulated over a long period. Additionally, the classification and recycling of resources maximize the wastes. We strengthened the promotion of waste reduction and resource recycling and classification, encouraged our employees to implement waste recycling, and continued to expand the coverage of waste inventory.
・ Collect recyclable and non-recyclable waste data
・ Calculate recyclable waste ratio data
Total waste recycled was 291.8 tons and the total waste incinerated with energy recovery was 479.6 tons. These two accounted for 97.6% of the total waste.
CATEGORY | ITEM | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2023 TARGET |
Total waste recycled/ reused | 204.9 | 218.0 | 247.7 | 291.8 | 247.7 | |
Non-recycled / reused | Landfilled | 5.0 | 6.2 | 9.8 | 18.8 | 9.8 |
Incinerated with energy recovery |
235.0 | 264.5 | 415.1 | 479.6 | 415.1 | |
Incinerated without energy recovery |
- | - | - | - | - | |
Other disposal Method |
- | - | - | - | - | |
Unknown disposal method |
- | - | - | - | - | |
Total waste disposed | 240.1 | 270.7 | 424.9 | 498.4 | 424.9 | |
Total waste | 444.9 | 488.7 | 672.6 | 790.2 | 672.6 | |
Waste recycled/ reused + Incinerated with energy recovery Ratio | 98.9% | 98.7% | 98.6% | 97.6% | 98.6% | |
Coverage | 54.50% | 99.27% | 99.93% | 93.81% | - |
1. According to the MOENV's 2021 Yearbook of Environmental Protection Statistics, the domestic average waste disposal method consists of incineration
for power generation (averaging 97.7% in 3 years) and landfill (averaging 2.3% in 3 years). The table calculates the incineration and landfill quantity according to this ratio.
2. Domestic incineration furnace has implemented power generation of thermal energy by incineration and hence all wastes from incineration shall be calculated as energy purpose after incineration.
3. For KGI Financial and CDIB and its domestic subsidiaries, the amount of waste outside the headquarters building was calculated by multiplying the amount of waste per capita in the headquarters building by the number of full-time employees; for KGI Securities and its domestic subsidiaries, the amount of waste outside the Dazhi building was calculated by multiplying the amount of waste per capita in the Dazhi building after deducting the food waste by the number of full-time employees; and for KGI Life Insurance, the amount of waste was based on the actual scales of offices.
4. The scope of the 2023 inventory includes all domestic locations (excluding all KGI Life Insurance communication offices).
5. Coverage rate of inventory = Number of employees (excluding dual contracts) in the scope of inventory / Total number of employees (excluding dual contracts) of the Company.
6. 2020, 2021 and 2022 coverage rates are only based on all domestic locations (excluding KGI Life Insurance Communication Office), and 2023 coverage rates are based on global locations (excluding KGI Life Insurance Communication Office).
7. The 2023 target is "Implement Waste Recycling Statistics", 2023 target = 2022 waste volume x 100% (Waste volume remain unchanged).
8. The increase in total waste in 2023 compared to 2022 is due to the opening of the employee cafeteria in May 2023 in the KGI Financial headquarters building.
9. The wastes produced from KGI Financial operations are non-hazardous wastes and the wastes does not become hazardous wastes or require special treatment.
10. KGI Financial transports, recycled/reuse wastes through legitimately registered companies for disposal at the resource recycling plant registered with the government. Non-recyclable wastes shall be transported through legitimately registered companies monthly for disposal at the treatment agency or landfill registered with the government.